
CQA Student Research Fellowships Program 2024


The Catalonia Quantum Academy support students to undertake a research stay (internship or master’s thesis project) at laboratories and research groups of the participating CQA institutions. 





Call opening: 2024-10-15

Call closing: 2025-02-25

Selection of candidates: Rolling evaluation at end of each month

Start date of fellowships: Research stay must begin by 31 July 2025


Applications must be submitted online via an online form through the CQA website :

Apply here

Applications must be submitted online via an online form through the CQA website :

Fellowships & Conditions:

The Catalonia Quantum Academy is offering up to 8 Student Research Fellowships for master’s students s enrolled in a home university from outside the CQA, to undertake a research stay (internship or master’s thesis project) at laboratories and research groups at a host institution within the CQA:

Students must be enrolled in a university master’s program for the duration of the research stay. Students enrolled at a CQA partner University are not eligible for this fellowship, but can apply for Student Mobility Fellowship here.

 Fellowships will be offered for a period of 2 to 6 months. The research stay may extend beyond the end of the fellowship. 

 The fellowships will include:  

  • For students enrolled in a home university outside Catalonia 
    • A stipend will be provided for the duration of the project for a maximum of 6 months at a rate of 600€ / month.  
    • Travel costs may be reimbursed up to a maximum of €500 for travel to and from Barcelona and the host institution. 
  • For students enrolled in a home university within Catalonia 
    • A stipend will be provided for the duration of the project for a maximum of 6 months at a rate of 300€ / month. 

Fellowships may be used in conjunction with other fellowships or stipends (e.g. DigiQ, Erasmus+), in which case the rate of the stipend and travel costs may be adjusted accordingly by the selection committee. 

Candidates are responsible for ensuring they have an appropriate visa and insurance for their stay. The CQA will not provide immigration or relocation support. Applicants may, however, request advice from their chosen host institute. 

We aim for a gender balance in awarding these fellowships, defined as a maximum of 60% of any one gender. 

 The fellowship will be formalized via a transfer of funds to the CQA institution at which the student will be hosted, which will arrange transfer of funds to the student following internal regulations. 

The stay should be formalized by an agreement between the home university and host institute which will be formalized according to standard procedures in place. 


The fellowships are open to local, EU and international students, with no restriction on nationality. 


Candidates must be enrolled in a master’s program for the duration of their stay to accept the fellowship.  


Candidates must have a high working knowledge of English.   

Application Process:

Candidates should directly contact research groups in eligible host institutions to enquire about their willingness to host the candidate for the internship.  

Candidates must submit the following documentation in their application form: 

  • A motivation letter describing the proposed research project, host group, institution, start date and length of stay. 
  • A Curriculum Vitae, including contact details, in English. 
  • Scanned copies of university academic transcripts in English or Spanish. 
  • Statement of support from the indicated host institution & research group. 
  • The contact e-mail of 1 referee 


It is the candidate’s responsibility to make sure all required application material (see above), is complete. 

Selection of candidates is based on merit and potential, measured in terms of academic records and personal achievements

Selection Process:

Candidates will be evaluated by a selection committee appointed by the CQA Coordination Board. 


Selection of candidates is based on merit and potential, measured in terms of academic records and personal achievements. 


Eligible candidates will be assessed based on the submitted documentation. Complete applications will be reviewed during the first week of each month.  


Evaluation will be based on the candidate’s academic transcripts (20%), CV (30%) and the quality (30%) and potential impact (20%) of the proposed project. 


Students must be evaluated above a threshold 80% to be awarded a fellowship. 

The selection committee reserves the right to contact the candidates’ referee, contact the academic coordinator of the master’s program in which the student is enrolled, the indicated host research group, and/or request clarifying information from the candidate to complete the evaluation. 

Fellowship Offers

Candidates will be informed of the offer on the condition the candidate and indicated host group both confirm their interest. The host CQA institute will be informed of the outcome. 


Reserve candidates will be informed and may be considered for fellowships available in subsequent rounds.  


Candidates not shortlisted or on the reserve list will be informed of their rejection. 

Contact Details

Candidates may contact the CQA at any time by email on 

Privacy & Data Protection

In accordance with the provisions of the Spanish Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and the guarantee of digital rights (LOPDGDD) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we hereby inform you that personal data you provided as part of the selection process in the programs carried out by the Catalonia Quantum Academy (CQA) in which you are participating, or may participate in the future, will be processed by ICFO, which manages the CQA aiming at accomplishing the selection process. Said information will be handled with due confidentiality and solely for the purpose mentioned and may be provided to those entities or persons associated to CQA in the context of the selection process, and only as far as strictly necessary for the management of the process. For any inquiries, you can refer to the CQA Privacy Policy and reach out via email to the address